Do you need to Sell your
Atlanta Georgia House Fast for CASH?
We Offer Cash For Your Atlanta House Fast. Here’s How it Works…
By skipping the middle man (individuals, banks, inspectors, etc.) and by paying cash we can thoroughly uncomplicate things. We strive to truly make buying your home straightforward and hassle-free.
how it works

Cash for your house? HERE’S HOW…
Selling Your House Can Be A Quick And Simple Process

Sell Your House The Easy Way Today!
We will be your guide through the entire process of getting your zero-obligation offer to your all-cash offer deal. Your quote is always free with no cost and no obligation to accept the offer we make you. If you decide that you need to talk with a team member, we’d love to learn more about your house and situation, don’t hesitate for a second to call us at our direct line at 470-369-5727.
Cash for your house? THE DETAILS…
Do you want to sell your house quickly for cash?
… But Still Desire A Great Offer!
how it works
The other “We Buy Houses” associations will consistently make “low-ball” offers. We believe you should get a fair market price, and we complete your home inspection and proper house evaluation out of our pocket. This ensures that we can pay you a proper fair market price for your house. These services are 100% FREE to you!
How We Purchase Your Atlanta GA House
It’s In Our Best Interest To Give You Our Highest Possible Offer.
We Buy Houses In Atlanta GA has so many happy and satisfied customers! We believe the best way to make customers happy is to give them offers they will be content with! We genuinely put forth a heroic effort to give you the most noteworthy offer we can give. You now see why our reviews are so fantastic. 🙂
How We Analyze Your House in 3 Simple Steps:
In order to create a win win situation, we evaluate each house and its individual needs. We first collect the information of what repairs your home needs, then we determine what the proper ARV is for your house. ARV stands for After Repair Value. This is the calculation of the price your house could be, completely fixed. Once we calculate this – we can give you an accurate and fair market offer!
How Exactly Does This Work?
❶ All things considered, envision you have a house that you need to sell…
❷ Likewise envision your neighbor, has precisely the same, indistinguishable house as yours, aside from a couple of redesigns he made… Let’s say he added stone ledges, taken out backdrop, applied a new layer of paint, put another rooftop on, and put hardwood floors in.
❸ Now Imagine he sold his home for $180K.
What Do We Know Now?
In light of everything, we realize, that if we attempt to resell your home, carrying the house in similar condition as your neighbor’s home, we would likewise have the option to sell it for $180K in great condition.
What does this mean for your house?
We look at the market assessment of your house (based on your neighbors recent sale of $180K), and the cost of fixes/redesigns of your house. We now have the offer we can make that works for us. If this offer works for you also, we can move forward and set a closing date. We are flexible to close quickly if that’s something you’re looking for.
How We Calculate House Offers:
All you math lovers out there, will appreciate this section. We value honesty and transparency. We have no issues sharing with you how exactly we formulate our offers.
[Your Offer] = [After Repair Value] – [Cost Of Repairs] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]
But in order for you to understand this we need to define some terms.
After Repair Value (ARV): This is what the market value of your house will be AFTER we buy and renovate the house. Yup we are just like your favorite HGTV flipping show.
how it works
Cost Of Repairs (COR): This is what our cost will be fixing/updating the house AFTER we purchase it from you.
Our Selling Costs: Although we buy houses without involving agents, we on the other hand, have to use an agent to sell that house again AFTER we have purchased it from you and fixed it up. So we have to pay agent fees, closing costs, taxes, holding costs etc. These are all the fees you do NOT have to pay, if you sell your house directly to us ;).
This is usually 10% all together of selling price. (Our Selling Cost = 10% x ARV)
how it works
Our Minimum Profit: This is a business after all, and we wouldn’t be able to stay in business, buy more houses, pay contractors, plumbers etc, if we didn’t make some sort of profit. However, we keep this to an absolute minimum so we can present you with the highest possible offer. Our business model is structured around making many deals with small profit per deal versus a few deals with large profit per deal.
So What Does That Mean in Plain English?
So what does this formula mean in plain English? Simply this:
The market value of the house (after we fix it up), minus ALL our costs fixing it up (including our profits), will be the offer. How simple is THAT! Congrats, now you are an expert at this! But want to be sure you understand it?
Cash for your house? CASE STUDY…
Let’s take an actual house we recently bought and share with you how it happened.
❶ Let’s say this is your house in its current condition:

Not bad right? OK it could use a bit of sweet tender loving but not too shabby. It is just outdated…
❷ Now remember, your neighbor with the exact same house as yours? He got a new roof, updated the kitchen and bathrooms, put granite in, removed carpets and put in hardwood flooring? Well, this is what his house looks like after he did the changes:

❸ Well, no wonder he sold it for $180K, it is gorgeous! WOW!
In order for us to also be able to sell your house (well, our house after we buy it from you) for $180K, we need to bring your house to the same condition as the house of your neighbor, or better, so that we can also sell it for $180K!
Because we will not be able to sell the house in this current state for $180K if all the other houses that are currently for sale in your area look as gorgeous as your neighbor’s… Would you as a buyer be interested in buying a house in lesser condition for $180K when a much nicer house sells for the same price? No, of course not!
So an obvious next question many have…
“If the house is fixed and updated would it sell for more? How much would it sell now?“
Sell My House In Atlanta For Cash? Or Should I List It As Is?
Assume you contacted an agent and he/she says, that your home in its current condition is worth $115K. Presently you have reached the most marvelous, amicable astounding house purchasers in the territory of Georgia…😜
We would come in, with our contractor and if we can, our agent. (We bring our contractor and our agent to the walkthrough, so that our agent tells our contractor what needs to be fixed (as he/she knows what buyers are currently looking for) and what does not need to be fixed (to save on the cost of repairs)).
Our agent: Tells us that in order to keep up with the neighbor across the fence, we need granite countertops, as well as hardwood floors, removed wallpaper, installing new appliances etc.
Our contractor: Gives us an accurate COR (Cost Of Repairs). This helps us prepare and know exactly what all the numbers will look like.

The more accurate we can have these numbers, the more accurate (and the higher) your offer will be! Let’s say our contractor gives us a cost of repairs of $40K.
Now We Are Ready To Make You An offer!
Here are the numbers:
As-Is Value = $115K
ARV (After Repair Value) = $180K
COR (Cost Of Repairs) = $40K
Our Selling Cost = 10% x $180K = $18K
Let’s say Our Minimum Profit For This Purchase = $20K
[Your Offer] = [ARV] – [COR] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]
Your Offer = $180K – $40K – $18K – $20 = $102K
Your Offer = $102K
Need to understand what your numbers look like?
You don’t have anything to lose by getting an offer from us.
Estimate Offer
So, the house is worth $115K as is, meaning if you listed it with an agent you could sell it for $115K. Yet after 6% agent fees and closing costs you would probably get about $108K for it, after it will be on the market for 4? 5? months! And no one can guarantee the house will actually sell.
So now you have to make a decision.
Sell it for a guaranteed sale for $102K in as little as 10-20 days, or a “maybe sale” for $108K hopefully within 4 to 5 months.
~Decisions, decisions..
how it works
What If The Cost Of Repairs Was $30K Instead Of $70K?
Now things get interesting! Now the offer becomes:
As-Is Value = $115K
ARV (After Repair Value) = $180K
COR (Cost Of Repairs) = $20K
Our Selling Cost = 10% x $180K = $18K
Let’s say Our Minimum Profit For This Purchase = $20K
[Your Offer] = [After Repair Value] – [Cost Of Repairs] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]
Your Offer = $180K – $20K -$18K – $20K = $122K
Yup! That is $7,000.00 MORE than what the house is currently worth, and almost $14K more than what you would get if you had listed it with an agent (remember that you would only get $108K after all listing and agent fees). Again, our offers are based on the numbers, not on how desperate you are to sell.
how it works
What Makes Our Offers Better.
Yes, we are aware of this. Everyone agrees. But we’ll improve. We’ll demonstrate why this is accurate, or at least we’ll make an effort to do so. We base our offers on the worth of your home as if it were entirely renovated and modernized, which is why they are so great. Yes, we calculate the value of your home given a thorough renovation. The cost of repairing or modernizing your home is then taken into account.
how it works
This is where the expense of repairs enters the picture, you see. As previously stated utilizing our equation above, if we can keep the cost of repairs down, we can obviously give you more cash for your GA home. So, in order to avoid paying expensive contractors to complete everything, we attempt to perform as much work ourselves. Wow, what kind people we are!
Since we buy so many houses at once, we obviously can’t always do this, but we do our best to keep contractor numbers as low as we can to give you the best cash offer for your property in Georgia.
Why do we make a special effort to make you the best offer possible? Well, think about it! If we can offer you more than what our competitors can, you’ll sell to us. That’s what we also desire. When there are more homes, we can finish our task more quickly.
how it works
You can find more info here on how we work our offers!
Here Are A Few Questions Frequently Asked
How Do You Sell A House By Owner (FSBO)?
Selling your house yourself is doable. It takes a lot of work and research but it is absolutely doable.
- First you need a strong comprehension of your market.
- Discover how much the house is worth with no guarantees. Don’t simply think your home is worth much more because you like it! Sellers often think their house is a lot more worth because “it is prettier than my neighbors”.
- Pay for a flat fee to list the property on the MLS.
- Learn how to effectively market the property.
- Learn how to negotiate effectively
- Ensure you know the laws connected to real estate transactions in your area!
Will There Be Any Closing Costs When Selling By Owner?
Yes, there will be expenses associated if you sell your house yourself. Lawyer charges, closing costs, holding costs, title insurance, escrow expenses, and more of the house for as long as you own it. As you are selling it yourself anyway, there won’t be any real estate agent fees. The other expenses however still are noteworthy.
how it works